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60 produits trouvés
The #1 New York Times Bestseller **A hilarious, thoughtful, and in-depth exploration of the pleasures and perils of modern romance from Aziz Ansari, the Emmy-award winning star of Master of None and one of this generation's sharpest comedic voices** In the old days, most people would find a decent person who lived in their village or neighbourhood, and after deciding they weren't a murderer, get married and have kids - all by the age of 22. Now we spend years of our lives searching for our perfect soul mate and, thanks to dating apps, mobile phones and social media, we have more romantic options than ever before in human history. Yet we also have to confront strange new dilemmas, such as what to think when someone is too busy to reply to a text but has time to post a photo of their breakfast on Instagram. And if we have so many more options, why aren't people any less frustrated? For years, American comedian Aziz Ansari has been aiming his comic insight at dating and relationships, and in Modern Romance, he teams up with award-winning sociologist Eric Klinenberg to investigate love in the age of technology. They enlisted some of the world's leading social scientists, conducted hundreds of interviews, analyzed the behavioural data, and researched dating cultures from Tokyo to Buenos Aires to New York City. The result is an unforgettable picture of modern love, combining Ansari's irreverent humour with cutting-edge social science.
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER NOW A NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIES With a career, a boyfriend, and a loving family, Piper Kerman barely resembles the reckless young woman who delivered a suitcase of drug money ten years before. But that past has caught up with her. Convicted and sentenced to fifteen months at the infamous federal correctional facility in Danbury, Connecticut, the well-heeled Smith College alumna is now inmate #11187424--one of the millions of people who disappear down the rabbit hole of the American penal system. From her first strip search to her final release, Kerman learns to navigate this strange world with its strictly enforced codes of behavior and arbitrary rules. She meets women from all walks of life, who surprise her with small tokens of generosity, hard words of wisdom, and simple acts of acceptance. Heartbreaking, hilarious, and at times enraging, Kermans story offers a rare look into the lives of women in prison--why it is we lock so many away and what happens to them when theyre there.
Praise for Orange Is the New Black Fascinating . . . The true subject of this unforgettable book is female bonding and the ties that even bars cant unbind.--People (four stars) I loved this book. Its a story rich with humor, pathos, and redemption. What I did not expect from this memoir was the affection, compassion, and even reverence that Piper Kerman demonstrates for all the women she encountered while she was locked away in jail. I will never forget it.--Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love This book is impossible to put down because [Kerman] could be you. Or your best friend. Or your daughter.--Los Angeles Times Moving . . . transcends the memoir genres usual self-centeredness to explore how human beings can always surprise you.--USA Today Its a compelling awakening, and a harrowing one--both for the reader and for Kerman.--Newsweek Look for special features inside. Join the Random House Readers Circle for author chats and more. -
One hundred years of axiomatic set theory
Roland Hinnion, Thierry Liberts
- Academia
- 13 Juillet 2010
- 9782872099740
This Cahier du centre de logique is made of papers presented at the homonymous conference that was organized by the editors in October 2008 to celebrate the 100th birthday of axiomatic set theory. It can virtually be divided into two bundles of papers : one discussing systems related to Zermelo's, the other dealing more specifically with systems related to type theory and stratification, both of which treating of key notions in the axiomatization of set theory.
Simone Veil has spoken on very different stages and subjects, and before extremely diverse audiences. The speeches collected here represent only a fraction of her public dialogues: those given over the last six years in her capacity as president of the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah.Having written those last words, I must immediately correct myself: when our president discusses the Shoah, she is firstly and always Madame Veil, the Auschwitz survivor, matured and enriched by her French and international political experience, who speaks from the heart about her own memory and her own thoughts.Alone, the typed pages of these speeches doubtless lack her gaze, her gravitas, and the singular tone of her stories, which always pierce her listeners.
L'essai de Zoran Terzic, vaste et détaillé, étudie la figure historico-culturelle de l'idiot et suit ses nombreuses apparitions dans l'histoire intellectuelle en examinant l'art de l'idiotie qui s'étend au-delà du présent hypertrophique.
Au-delà de l'histoire universelle de l'incapacité humaine, il existe aujourd'hui une nouvelle forme d'idiotie. Alors que l'ancien idiot tirait ses connaissances de l'isolement, le nouvel idiot refuse toute compréhension du monde. Il apparaît uniquement comme la figure d'une incompétence systématique qui touche même les domaines les plus éloignés de la vie politique et médiatique, donnant naissance à des compétences nouvelles, souvent totalement absurdes.
Les débats actuels sur les « fake news » ou la « société post-factuelle » peuvent être lus dans cette perspective comme la preuve d'une large transformation des formes d'autopolitique, dans laquelle l'absurde redéfinit l'image de la réalité. Car si l'on parle beaucoup de conscience et de communauté mondiales, le solipsisme du sujet idiot semble fonctionner d'autant mieux en arrière-plan. En tant que moi isolé du plus grand nombre, il constitue le centre vide d'une idiotie planétaire tournant autour de lui-même. -
Guardrails : Guiding human decisions in the age of ai
Urs Gasser, Viktor Mayer-schonberger
- Princeton University Press
- 5 Mars 2024
- 9780691150680
How society can shape individual actions in times of uncertainty
When we make decisions, our thinking is informed by societal norms, «guardrails» that guide our decisions, like the laws and rules that govern us. But what are good guardrails in today's world of overwhelming information flows and increasingly powerful technologies, such as artificial intelligence? Based on the latest insights from the cognitive sciences, economics, and public policy, Guardrails offers a novel approach to shaping decisions by embracing human agency in its social context.
In this visionary book, Urs Gasser and Viktor Mayer-Schönberger show how the quick embrace of technological solutions can lead to results we don't always want, and they explain how society itself can provide guardrails more suited to the digital age, ones that empower individual choice while accounting for the social good, encourage flexibility in the face of changing circumstances, and ultimately help us to make better decisions as we tackle the most daunting problems of our times, such as global injustice and climate change.
Whether we change jobs, buy a house, or quit smoking, thousands of decisions large and small shape our daily lives. Decisions drive our economies, seal the fate of democracies, create war or peace, and affect the well-being of our planet. Guardrails challenges the notion that technology should step in where our own decision making fails, laying out a surprisingly human-centered set of principles that can create new spaces for better decisions and a more equitable and prosperous society.
The Monadic Age : Notes on the Coming Social Order
Ingo Niermann
- Sternberg Press
- 24 Janvier 2024
- 9781915609243
The Monadic Age se déploie en trente-trois essais autonomes (monadiques) sur des sujets aussi divers que l'environnementalisme, le terrorisme, la géopolitique, le logement, le métavers, le non-binarisme, le langage, la charité, l'euthanasie, la politique identitaire, les tatouages, le capacitisme, l'IA, les taux de natalité, la guerre, la religion, le sexe et l'art.
La sociología está en crisis, fruto del abismo que separa la realidad de su representación intelectual. Las teorías, los conceptos y los métodos propuestos son cada día menos apropiados para comprender la sociedad en su complejidad. Este desfase, que tiene causas sociales y científícas, se traduce en una distancia creciente entre 1) una teoría cada vez más parcial, en la medida en que privilegia el actor o el sistema, la unidad o la diversidad, el cambio o la permanencia, y 2) una realidad empírica irreducible a semejantes simplificaciones. Eso nos conduce a avanzar la siguiente tesis : ante la parcialidad de los paradigmas contemporáneos, es necesario crear una sociología de la complejidad que procure integrar las teorías y las metodologías, sin que se pueda deducir la una de la otra ni tampoco reducir la una a la otra. Lo que supone considerar, por una parte, que cada corriente propone hipótesis, nociones e instrumentos pertinentes y, por otra parte, que los paradigmas comparten numerosos puntos en común que favorecen su conexión.
Migration, culture and transnational identities ; critical essays
Eward o. Ako, Sarah Anyang Agbor
- L'Harmattan
- Harmattan Cameroun
- 27 Juin 2013
- 9782343012759
A common feature of all human histories is migration. The migration of individuals implies the migration of cultures. Cultural migration produces transitional and transnational identities. This transnationness itself is not a state, but rather a stage in a seemingly interminable process of "becoming".
Discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in Europe (2e édition)
- Conseil De L'Europe
- 8 Février 2012
- 9789287172570
Many people in Europe are stigmatised because of their sexual orientation or gender identity and cannot fully enjoy their universal human rights. Some of them are victims of violence, others have fled to Europe from countries where they risk being persecuted. Organisations representing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons have been denied registration or banned from organising peaceful meetings in some states in Europe. Too few politicians have taken a firm stand against homophobic and transphobic expressions, discrimination and violence.
This report presents the results of the largest socio-legal study ever carried out on discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in the 47 member states of the Council of Europe. Six thematic chapters give a broad overview of the human rights situation of LGBT persons and recommendations are provided for developing and implementing effective measures to address discrimination.
The report is intended as a tool for dialogue with authorities and other stakeholders. It constitutes a baseline study for further action in both legislative and policy fields to ensure that all LGBT people can effectively exercise their human rights.
The déjà vu and the authentic in anglophone culture : contacts, frictions, clashes
Anne Bandry-Scubby
- Pu De Strasbourg
- Ranam
- 12 Juin 2014
- 9782868205612
El flâneur en las prácticas culturales, el costumbrismo y el modernismo
Dorde Cuvardic garcía
- Publibook
- 25 Septembre 2012
- 9782748390988
Different Perspectives on Work Changes. Papers from the Second International Workshop on Work and Intervention Practices
- Presses De L'Universite De Laval
- 1 Mars 2011
- 9782763794945
Eastern man, western man ; essay on the modelling of thought and action
Bijan Ghalamkaripour
- Books On Demand
- 18 Août 2014
- 9782322036363
There are a number of interpretations of reality comparable to that of the population on Earth, for which, anyone can put his life or that of others in danger. But, one must keep in mind that the source of these interpretations is very limited. Such as international music which is composed of seven main notes or that all living beings live based on the four nucleotides forming deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), all human thought is equally based on only eight zones that inevitably guide our behaviour.
Islands as crossroads ; sustaining cultural diversity in small island developing states
Timothy Curtis
- Unesco
- 2 Mars 2011
- 9789231041815
Equal opportunities? the labour market intergration of the children of immigrants
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 10 Juin 2010
- 9789264082397
The integration of the children of immigrants - both those born in the host country (the «second generation») and those who arrived young enough to be educated in the host country - is of growing policy relevance for OECD countries. This group is entering the labour market in ever larger numbers, and their outcomes are often seen as the benchmark for successful integration policy.
The labour market integration of the children of immigrants is an area where comparative international knowledge is gradually evolving, but still underdeveloped. Recent work by the OECD has shown that the children of immigrants tend to have lower employment outcomes than the children of natives in most countries.
This technical seminar proceedings sheds light on the issues involved in the labour market integration of the children of immigrants, and discusses policy answers and good practices. The seminar was organised jointly by the the EU Commission and the OECD Secretariat in Brussels on 1 and 2 October 2009.
Modern states are facing various political rescaling processes in which the roles and functions of the different levels of government are evolving. City regions are increasingly becoming central economic and political territories where new divisions of labor are taking place between the states and the urban powers that be. This tendency has been specifically analysed by economics, and also by geographs, sociologists, and political scientists. At the same time, there is a substantial amount of literature that focuses on the general tendency towards the pluralization of urban decision-making systems in different institutional, cultural, political and economic contexts. Globalisation, political rescaling and the "right to the city" (i.e., the ability of civil societies to have access and to change the political agenda) are interlinked but do not necessarily have the same meaning and the same ration-ale for each city and social group. This book analyzes the various differences and gives a voice to a variety of different actors.
The role of internet intermediaries in advancing public policy objectives
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 29 Septembre 2011
- 9789264115637
This book presents a comprehensive view of Internet intermediaries, their economic and social function, development and prospects, benefits and costs, and roles and responsibilities. Divided into three parts, Part I, The Economic and Social Role of Internet Intermediaries, develops a common definition and understanding of what Internet intermediaries are, of their economic function and economic models, of recent market developments, and discusses the economic and social uses that these actors satisfy. Part II, The Role of Internet Intermediaries in Advancing Public Policy Objectives, examines the roles and responsibilities of Internet intermediaries in advancing public policy objectives, as well as the costs and benefits of their involvement through a series of case studies. Part III provides a summary of an experts workshop that identified lessons learned and best practices from the experience to date of Internet intermediaries in advancing public policy objectives.
Over the last century, significant progress has been made in terms of gender equality in Europe. Great disparities persist in our societies, however, between girls and boys, women and men, preventing the full enjoyment of the fundamental human right for all to participate fully, as equal partners, in all aspects of life.
The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe is convinced that the most effective way to promote gender equality is through education. This is why it adopted Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)13 on gender mainstreaming in education, in 2007. This recommendation encourages the governments of member states to incorporate the gender perspective at all levels of the educational system - through legislation and in practice - so as to promote among young people the values of justice and participation necessary for the building of a society which guarantees true gender equality, both in the private and the public spheres.
Society at a glance 2011
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- Gouvernance
- 21 Avril 2011
- 9789264098527
This sixth edition of Society at a Glance, OECD's biennial overview of social indicators, updates some indicators from previous volumes and introduces several new ones. It also features a special chapter on unpaid work. It includes data on the four newest OECD members: Chile, Estonia, Israel and Slovenia. Where available, data on major emerging economies Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia and South Africa are also included.
Open See follows refugee and immigrant populations traveling from war-torn, economically devastated and often AIDS-ravaged countries to make new homes in Europe. Goldberg spent four years documenting the stories of Greek refugees from Iraq, Somalia, Congo, Ukraine, Albania, Russia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Sudan, Kenya, Kurdistan, Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Palestine and Moldavia.
Moving beyond language to communicate without words * Historical overview of wordless communication * Showcases the latest in text-free messages * Appealing for students and anyone who recognizes the movement away from text Left to Right takes readers on a journey through our increasingly visual culture--a journey that asks us to consider how technological change has influenced the way we think, the way we see, and the way we communicate. The trend in mass media communication is toward the visual, and even our written language is becoming more and more visually driven. Nontext elements in this book showcase the latest ideas in sending clear messages without words--messages that can be understood universally, by everyone who can see, regardless of the language they speak.
O caboverdiano, ou crioulo de Cabo Verde, é a língua materna da cantora Cesária Évora e de mais de um milhão de pessoas espalhadas pelo mundo, mais de cem mil das quais são residentes em Portugal. Esta obra, a primeira no género em língua portuguesa, mediante um conjunto de vinte e três lições de dificuldade crescente, proporciona acesso facilitado e metódico à língua caboverdiana e à cultura que nela se inscreve.ŠŠ