Jonathan safran Foer
14 produits trouvés
Oskar, 9 ans, est surdoué, ultrasensible, fou d'astrophysique, fan des Beatles et collectionneur de cactées miniatures. Son père est mort dans les attentats du World Trade Center en lui laissant une clé. Persuadé qu'elle expliquera cette disparition injuste, le jeune garçon recherche la serrure qui lui correspond. Sa quête désespérée l'entraîne aux quatre coins de la ville où règne le climat délétère de l'après 11 septembre.
Comment traitons-nous les animaux que nous mangeons ? Convoquant souvenirs d'enfance et arguments philosophiques, Jonathan Safran Foer se lance dans une vaste enquête. Entre une expédition dans un abattoir et une recherche sur les dangers du lisier de porc, l'auteur explore tous les degrés de l'abomination contemporaine. Un livre choquant, drôle et inattendu qui a déjà suscité passions et polémiques.
Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Gilles Berton et Raymond Clarinard.
Tout est illuminé
Jonathan safran Foer
- Editions De L'Olivier
- Bibliotheque De L'olivier
- 25 Novembre 2021
- 9782823618044
Julia dessine des maisons pour elle seule ; Jacob échange des sextos avec une collègue. Pour ce couple de juifs américains, le naufrage s'annonce. Entre eux, leurs enfants éprouvent leurs premières difficultés à vivre. Autour d'eux, le monde se disloque : la bar-mitsva de l'aîné tombe à l'eau, l'aïeul Isaac décède et Israël est ravagé par un séisme. Comment sauver l'amour et l'humour dans cette confusion ?
L'avenir de la planète commence dans notre assiette
Jonathan safran Foer
- Points
- Points
- 8 Octobre 2020
- 9782757882689
Après l'immense succès de Faut-il manger les animaux ?, Jonathan Safran Foer revient à la charge : l'élevage intensif des animaux est responsable du dérèglement climatique. L'extinction de la planète aura lieu parce que nous mangeons trop de viande. Avec empathie, avec humour, l'auteur analyse les défis auxquels nous devons faire face. Parce qu'il n'est pas trop tard pour inverser la tendance. Et que l'avenir de la planète commence maintenant, dans notre assiette.
A young man arrives in the Ukraine with a tattered photograph, a bad translator, a man haunted by memories and an undersexed guide dog - he is looking for the woman who saved his grandfather from the Nazis. What they find turns all their worlds upside down.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Jonathan safran Foer
- Penguin Books Uk
- 22 Mars 2006
- 9780141025186
THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLERADAPTED INTO A FEATURE FILM WITH TOM HANKSFrom the critically acclaimed author of Here I Am, Everything is Illuminated and We are the Weather - a heartrending and unforgettable novel set in the aftermath of the 9/11''Utterly engaging, hugely involving, tragic, funny and intensely moving... A heartbreaker'' Spectator''The most incredible fictional nine-year-old ever created... a funny, heart-rending portrayal of a child coping with disaster. It will have you biting back the tears'' Glamour''Pulsates with dazzling ideas'' Times Literary Supplement''It''s a miracle... So impeccably imagined, so courageously executed, so everlastingly moving'' Baltimore Sun''Jonathan Safran Foer is a writer of considerable brilliance'' Observer In a vase in a closet, a couple of years after his father died in 9/11, nine-year-old Oskar discovers a key...The key belonged to his father, he''s sure of that. But which of New York''s 162 million locks does it open?So begins a quest that takes Oskar - inventor, letter-writer and amateur detective - across New York''s five boroughs and into the jumbled lives of friends, relatives and complete strangers. He gets heavy boots, he gives himself little bruises and he inches ever nearer to the heart of a family mystery that stretches back fifty years. But will it take him any closer to, or even further from, his lost father?>
Extrêmement fort et incroyablement près
Jonathan safran Foer
- Editions De L'Olivier
- 3 Septembre 2006
- 9782879294810
Oskar Schell a neuf ans. Il est : inventeur, entomologiste amateur, épistolier, francophile, pacifiste, consultant en informatique, végétalien, origamiste, percussionniste, astronome amateur, collectionneur de pierres semi-précieuses, de papillons morts de mort naturelle, de cactées miniatures et de souvenirs des Beatles. Un an après la mort de son père dans les attentats du 11 septembre, Oskar trouve une clé. Persuadé qu'elle résoudra le mystère de la disparition de son père, il part à la recherche de la serrure qui lui correspond. Sa quête le mènera aux quatre coins de New York où il pénétrera les vies d'inconnus et découvrira l'histoire de sa famille. Dans le sillon de ce gamin surdoué, ultra sensible et d'une inventivité presque maladive, se dévoile
une ville qui, un an après les attentats des Twin Towers, panse ses plaies et recèle bien des trésors. Tandis qu'en filigrane se dessine le récit de la famille d'Oskar, érigeant l'Histoire en écho à nos tragédies contemporaines.
Eating Animals is a riveting exposé which presents the gut-wrenching truth about the price paid by the environment, the government, the Third World and the animals themselves in order to put meat on our tables more quickly and conveniently than ever before.
Interweaving a variety of monologues and balancing humour and suspense with informed rationalism, Eating Animals is as much a novelistic account of an intellectual journey as it is a fresh and open look at the ethical debate around meat-eating. Unlike most other books on the subject, Eating Animals also explores the possibilites for those who do eat meat to do so more responsibly, making this an important book not just for vegetarians, but for anyone who is concerned about the ramifications and significance of their chosen lifestyle.
Jonathan Safran Foer is the author of Everything Is Illuminated , Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close , Eating Animals and Here I Am . He has also edited a new modern edition of the sacred Jewish Haggadah . Everything Is Illuminated won several literary prizes, including the National Jewish Book Award and the Guardian First Book Award. He edited the anthology A Convergence of Birds: Original Fiction and Poetry Inspired by the Work of Joseph Cornell , and his stories have been published in the Paris Review , Conjunctions and the New Yorker . Jonathan Safran Foer teaches Creative Writing at New York University.
Jonathan Safran Foer has long had a passion for the work of the twentieth-century American assemblage artist Joseph Cornell. Inspired by Cornell's avian-themed boxes, and suspecting that they would be similarly inspiring to others, Foer began to write letters.
The responses he received from luminaries of American writing were nothing short of astounding. Twenty writers generously contributed pieces of prose and poetry that are as eclectic as they are imaginative, and the result is a unique collaborative project and one of the most significant engagements of literature with art for many years.
Read each year around the Seder table, the Haggadah recounts through prayer and song the extraordinary story of Exodus, when Moses led the ancient Israelites out of slavery in Egypt to wander through the desert for forty years before reaching the Promised Land. In this new version of the traditional Haggadah text, Jonathan Safran Foer brings together some of the most preeminent voices of our time. Nathan Englander's new translation, beautifully designed and illustrated by the Israeli artist and typographer Ozed Ezer, is accompanied by thought-provoking essays by major Jewish writers and thinkers, including Howard Jacobsen, Daniel Handler and Rebecca Goldstein.
A convergence of birds: original fiction and poetry inspired by the work of joseph cornell
Safran Foer Jonathan
- Adult Pbs
- 29 Novembre 2007
- 9780141012704